Showing posts with label freedomconvoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedomconvoy. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Canadian Lawmaker Claims Single Mom Had Bank Account Frozen After Giving $50 to Freedom Convoy


By Katabella Roberts
February 22, 2022 Updated: February 23, 2022

Canadian politician Mark Strahl on Feb. 20 claimed that a single mom with a minimum wage job had her bank account frozen after she “legally” donated $50 to the Freedom Convoy.

Strahl, a Conservative, took to Twitter to criticize Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the Emergencies Act, which was invoked for the first time in Canada’s history to address the impact of the ongoing protests against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions by truckers and their supporters.

“Briane is a single mom from Chilliwack working a minimum wage job,” Strahl wrote on Twitter on Feb. 20. “She gave $50 to the convoy when it was 100% legal. She hasn’t participated in any other way. Her bank account has now been frozen. This is who Justin Trudeau is actually targeting with his Emergencies Act orders.”

Strahl was soon pressed by other Twitter users to provide further details and verification regarding his claims about the single mother and her allegedly frozen bank account.

However, the Chilliwack-Hope MP refused to do so, stating that he did not want to publish identifying information about the woman online that could be used with malicious intent.

“Thank you to those who have read this and offered to help someone you’ve never met,” he wrote in a second post. “Shame on those who have read it and attacked someone you’ve never met. I will keep working with Briane to resolve this matter with her bank and will provide updates as they are made available.”

He added, “To those of you, especially the media, demanding more details on Briane, having seen what has been said about her online today and what has been done to other convoy donors in the last weeks I am not going to help you dox her. I know who she is and I won’t stop fighting for her.”

Epoch Times Photo
A police officer smashes a truck window as police deploy to remove protesters in Ottawa on Feb. 19, 2022. (Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images)

In a statement on Feb. 21, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said account-freezing powers under the Emergency Economic Measures Order (Emergencies Act), pertained to “individuals who were influencers in the illegal protest in Ottawa, and owners and/or drivers of vehicles who did not want to leave the area impacted by the protest.”

“At no time, did we provide a list of donors to financial institutions,” RCMP said. “We are now working with the banks to build a process to address the accounts that were frozen,” RCMP added.

Mike Duheme, RCMP deputy commissioner of federal policing, announced on Feb. 20 that police had frozen 206 financial products, including bank and corporate accounts, of individuals and companies allegedly involved in the ongoing protests in Ottawa.

Duheme said at a news conference that the RCMP had also disclosed the information of 56 entities associated with vehicles, individuals, and companies. Officials also shared 253 bitcoin addresses with virtual currency exchanges, and froze a payment processing account valued at $3.8 million, Duheme said.

The RCMP has not said what will happen to the money that has been frozen by financial institutions or indicated that those who donated money to the Freedom Convoy were included.

“We continue to work at collecting relevant information on persons, vehicles, and companies and remain in daily communication with the financial institutions to assist them,” Duheme told reporters.

However, at a press briefing on Feb. 21, Trudeau was asked if regular individuals making donations to support the Freedom Convoy were having their bank accounts frozen, to which he responded that “the measures we put in place are designed and focused on ensuring the people in the current illegal occupations leave,” the Vancouver Sun reported.

“That has been the intent and the focus right now. If there are specific cases that Conservative ministers can bring forward to highlight where that is not the case, we would happily look at them and look to resolve them,” said Trudeau.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland also reiterated that the financial sanctions are aimed at targeting leaders and those who were part of illegal occupations and blockades.

“It’s important for all of us to be very, very careful to get our facts exactly right in each circumstance, and I would urge all of us to take that care in every situation,” she said.

“The RCMP has given to the financial institutions names of leaders and organizers of the protests and of people whose trucks were part of occupations and blockades. That is the only information given, according to the RCMP, that the RCMP has given to financial institutions.”

The Epoch Times has contacted Mark Strahl for comment.

An RCMP spokesperson told The Epoch Times: “The Emergencies Act has allowed law enforcement and monitoring agencies to work more closely with Canadian financial institutions; enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement conducting investigations.

“While it remains the responsibility of the financial institutions to make the decision of freezing accounts, the RCMP is diligently working with our law enforcement and federal partners to disclose relevant information of individuals and companies suspected of involvement in illegal acts. The list that was provided to financial institutions included identities of individuals who were influencers in the illegal protest in Ottawa, and owners and/or drivers of vehicles who did not want to leave the area impacted by the protest. At no time, did we provide a list of donors to financial institutions.”

Ontario Freedom Convoy Donors Published on Google Maps



Locations of the Freedom Convoy donors in Ontario, Canada, have been published on Google Maps after the names of those who gave money to the crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo were leaked online.

The Google Maps link contains thousands of pins pointing to locations of donors throughout the Canadian province, with each pin listing their names, donor ID, email address, and the amount they donated, including those as low as $10.

Who published the donors and how the list was obtained from GiveSendGo still remains unknown. Last week, the Christian crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo had its data reportedly hacked to reveal the names of donors supporting the truckers protesting the vaccine mandate. Once the names were publicly leaked, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reportedly began to harass people on this list. Shortly thereafter, Breitbart News received the following email that an Ottawa-based Canadian received from CBC Ottawa’s David Fraser and Guy Quenneville titled, “CBC Ottawa interview request: donating to Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa”:

Good morning.

This is David Fraser and Guy Quenneville from CBC Ottawa.

We’re working on a story about the people who allegedly contributed funds, through GiveSendGo, to the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, according to the public release of hacked data from the site.

We’re reaching out to you because your name and information appeared on the list, and we’re interested in interviewing you both about why you may have donated to the cause, but also how you feel about having had your personal information leaked.

We should stress: we are not automatically identifying anyone by name in our story. We need to verify with people that they indeed contributed, as a first step.

The second step is seeing if people will share their story with us.

If you’re interested, please write us back as soon as possible.

Many other Canadians reported receiving similar emails as various Canadian journalists began to publicly share the list, with the Washington Post writing a “lengthy thread singling out the biggest donor and a map showing where the donations came from in the U.S,” according to Fox News.

On Tuesday, the Toronto Star reported over a dozen Ontario police officers currently on the government’s payroll donated to the GiveSendGo account:

The leaked GiveSendGo donors list included the names and postal codes of donors (postal codes had to be accurate for credit card payments to go through). Torstar reporters cross-referenced the list with publicly available records, including property records and Ontario’s most recent public salary disclosure, the 2020 Sunshine List.

The review identified two recently retired Ottawa officers, three officers from Toronto and 10 OPP officers, whose identities were corroborated with middle names, birth dates, and photos from social media.

Another 23 donors shared names and geographic locations with Ontario police officers from the three services, but reporters were unable to find any other data to either include them among the identified officers or cross them off the list.

The outlet ultimately decided against publicly naming the officers on the list after most declined to comment when reached for questioning. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said that officers are not barred from donating to political causes.

Publishing of the donors on Google Maps comes after police in Ottawa made sweeping (sometimes violent) arrests of protesters over the weekend.

Canadian Lawmaker Claims Single Mom Had Bank Account Frozen After Giving $50 to Freedom Convoy

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Jewish Scientists, Doctors Around the World Issue Justin Trudeau Open Letter Amid Canada Protests


By Mimi Nguyen Ly 
February 19, 2022 Updated: February 19, 2022

A group of 23 Jewish scientists, doctors, and academics issued an open letter on Friday to Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, saying they are “deeply concerned” about how he had been describing protesters in Canada who have been demonstrating against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions since late January.

One of the authors of the letter, Stanford Professor of Biophysics Michael Levitt, who was awarded one-third the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013, shared a copy of the letter on Twitter.

“In recent weeks, we have been following the news about the Freedom Convoy 2022 protests that have taken place in Canada. … We witnessed, with mourning concern, how instead of a constructive dialog with the protesters, you adopted a smear-by-association campaign, portraying the protesters as ‘Nazi sympathizers,’ ‘racist,’ and ‘antisemitic,'” the group said in their letter.

“The last incident was your allegation on February 16 that a Jewish member of the Conservative Party was ‘standing with people who wave Swastikas,'” they added.

Trudeau made the comment in Parliament during Question Period amid debate over a blockade in Ottawa and Trudeau’s declaration of a State of Emergency on Feb. 14. Trudeau is the first prime minister to invoke the Emergencies Act since it became law in 1988.

Melissa Lantsman, a conservative member of parliament for Thornhill in the House of Commons, told the chamber that Trudeau “fans the flames of an unjustified national emergency” by having described the protesters as “‘very often misogynistic, racist,’ ‘women haters,’ ‘science deniers,’ the ‘fringe.'”

She then asked, “So, Mr. Speaker, when did the Prime Minister lose his way? When did it happen?”

Trudeau responded, “Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas. They can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag.

“We will choose to stand with Canadians who deserve to be able to get to their jobs, to be able to get their lives back. These illegal protests need to stop and they will.”

House Speaker Anthony Rota followed up, telling the chamber,”I just want to remind the honourable members, including the Right Honourable Prime Minister, to use words that are not inflammatory in the House.” However, Trudeau did not withdraw his comment.

Lantsman, a descendant of Holocaust survivors, said on Twitter that Trudeau falsely accused her of standing with a Swastika. “What a disgraceful statement unbecoming of anyone in public office—he owes me an apology,” she wrote.

In the letter on Friday, the Jewish group of scientists, doctors, and academics expressed disapproval of Trudeau’s recent rhetoric.

“We, an apolitical group of Jewish Israeli medical scientists, physicians, researchers, and legal scholars, some of us second or third generation Holocaust survivors, are deeply concerned by your attempt to stigmatise the Freedom Convoy 2022 protesters as Nazi ideology supporters,” they wrote.

“The important fight against antisemitism should not be weaponized and directed at a legitimate civil protest which aims at restoring fundamental liberties, to what used to be, until not long ago, one of the freest countries in the world.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to Trudeau’s office for comment on the letter.

Late on Friday, Trudeau wrote on Twitter, “Illegal blockades and occupations have threatened businesses, endangered jobs, and obstructed communities for three weeks now. This week, to restore public order and protect Canadians as the situation evolves, our government invoked the Emergencies Act.”

“We’ll continue to make sure municipal, provincial, and federal authorities have the resources they need, and do whatever is needed to keep people safe and get the situation under control—and we’ll make sure your rights and freedoms are protected,” he added. “That remains our top priority.”

Protesters have expressed offense at Trudeau’s recent comments that have portrayed them as racist or hateful, The Epoch Times previously reported. Trudeau previously said the protesters are a “fringe minority’ who hold “unacceptable views” and espouse conspiracy theories.

Protesters on Parliament Hill for the most part have been carrying Canadian flags. Some images were circulating on social media that showed Nazi symbols on flags, while other videos on social media showed protesters telling those holding hateful signs to leave.

Some local reports have also stated that people opposed to vaccine mandates have likened Canada’s mandates to the persecution of Jews by the Nazis.

The protest started in late January as a show of defiance. Truckers opposed the Canadian government’s vaccine mandate that started on Jan. 15 for truckers who often cross the United States-Canada border. It has since evolved into a large movement joined by people from across Canada to oppose different COVID-19 mandates and restrictions.

Vehicle convoys came to Ottawa on Jan. 29, and many have stayed in the city, with trucks and other vehicles parked by Parliament Hill. Since then, various protest convoys have been set up in different parts of Canada.

Early on in the protest, Trudeau has said he wouldn’t be meeting with the protesters—he said he wouldn’t go anywhere near demonstrations “that have expressed hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens, and a disrespect not just of science, but of the front-line health workers.”

Following the invocation of the Emergencies Act, two lead organizers of the Freedom Convoy protest, Chris Barber and Tamara Lich, were arrested in Ottawa on Thursday. Ottawa’s interim police chief warned on the same day that action to remove Freedom Convoy demonstrators was “imminent.”

Lich, at a press conference on Feb. 14, said that protesters “will remain peaceful” despite the government’s use of the Act.

Despite the arrests, many protesters still remain in Ottawa. In early February, Lich said the protesters won’t be leaving until the government lifts the COVID-19 mandates.

“We’re not coming here to be aggressive or hateful or cause violence,” she told The Epoch Times. “We’re going to be staying in for as long as it takes. We’re not leaving until Canada is free.”

Rahul Vaidyanath contributed to this report.

Rex Murphy: Invoking the Emergencies Act a Desperate Attempt to Delegitimize the Truckers

 February 16, 2022 Updated: February 17, 2022



I wonder. If you go to the bank now to make a deposit or, for the few who are not broke after the last two years, take some money out, do you have to phone Chrystia Freeland first? Or will emailing a copy of the transaction to one of her aides do the job?

After this week’s clown show—I refer, of course, to General Trudeau’s introduction of the Emergencies Act—that is no longer a ridiculous question. Among the tide of follies we have been hearing from our 31 percent minority Liberal government is—I’m paraphrasing, but only slightly—that “foreign monies,” particularly American monies, being donated to the Canadian truckers protest is driving a movement for the “overthrow” of the government.

And this was not just some minor concern, but an immediate threat to the stability of our nation and its very rule. So now the banks are under orders, and must be on the watch, for suspicious accounts. After all if $25 shows up from some farmer in Arkansas in support of a peaceful protest by honest, blue-collar workers, that could tip our “peace, order and good government “ into the Rideau, and 154 years of our beautiful Confederation comes to a halt.

Our minister of public safety has been pouring extra sugar on his Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Here’s his stern and feverish declaration on the protest: “[There is a] very small, organized group driven by an ideology to overthrow the government through whatever means they may wish to use.”

Has he even talked with the drivers who came across this wide country in the deep of mid-winter? Does he ever hear what he himself is saying? Better still, did he watch the widely shared video of the protesters in Coutts when they ended their demonstration, with protesters and police hugging each other?

Does that look like a mob of anti-Canadian anarchists, or Leninists, or Trotskyites getting ready to throw our constitutional democracy to the four winds? The police and the truckers are in a file, and they are exchanging hugs, dammit.

Hugs!!! The forces of order, the police, and the protesters, Canadian citizens, are in genuine, physical embrace. They shake hands. There are smiles. Everyone’s singing the national anthem.

Can this in any way whatsoever accord with the hallucinatory, panicky, description by the federal minister of public safety and his wild assertions about a “very small group” about to “overthrow the government by whatever means they may wish to use?” Hugs? Do they intend to “hug” the government out of power? Or will they instead, miscreants all of them, plan to “handshake” their way into power?

The folly which reaches all the way to full idiocy embodied in the statements of our Liberal government’s leadership in their frantic, desperate effort to delegitimize the truckers is, truly and not rhetorically, beyond any I have ever seen.

Thanks to the Ottawa cowards—who had neither the nerve nor the grace to even talk to the truckers, or to even offer them a small show of respect—a situation that could have, in my opinion, been easily defused and reconciliation found has turned into something else altogether.

On one side, and one side only—the Trudeau government’s—it has been supercharged by the introduction of the most extreme legislation that exists: Legislation that might find due cause in an invasion, some vile terrorist attack, or a tragic natural calamity, has been hauled out by a stubborn, prideful government to use its vast powers to silence a civil protest.

If I believed that thought was possible in Ottawa I would ask, “What were they thinking?” Of course they do not think in this government; mainly they poll or spin.

And if the line is that Canada’s government was about to be “overthrown” by a set of long-haul truckers—among the most amiable people you have ever met, and I have met with many of them—then either their polling is fabulous (in its root sense) or their spinning has made them giddy beyond repair.

As a consequence, among many consequences, Canada is now being laughed at around the world. As various mandates and COVID restrictions are tumbling like Humpty Dumpty during an earthquake, our woke leader hauls out the Big Bertha of Canadian law.

There is more than an element of disdain in the folly of this bunch. And more than a touch of “how come these lower class types” think they have a right to come and park near where we grab our lattes, or where we meet in huddles at a favourite high-class steak-house to determine their futures? Most of them are actually, can you imagine it, “not from Ontario?”

Just as the Emergencies Act is the son of the War Measures Act, so is it not consoling that the prime minister who invoked the former is the son of the prime minister who invoked the latter.

For literature students, this is what William Blake meant by “fearful symmetry.” For Canadians in 2022, it’s just “fearful.”

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Canadian border guards prevent Mike Lindell from donating MyPillows to truckers

 The crew will have the ‘right credentials and everything’ to enter Canada, despite being ‘definitely not vaccinated.’

Anthony Murdoch

Mike Lindell, CEO of My Pillow

(LifeSiteNews) — A goodwill gesture from MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell hit a snag, but he promised the pillows for Canadian truckers participating in the freedom convoy will be delivered.

Lindell told The Right Side Broadcasting Network’s Brian Glenn on Saturday that he would donate thousands of pillows to the convoy in Ottawa to show his support for their cause.

“All of our employees are busy making pillows right now for the truckers in Canada. We’re gonna try and get them through,” Lindell said.

Yesterday, it became known that the truck carrying the promised pillows was denied entry into Canada by border officials and sent home.

According to NewsweekThe Right Side Broadcasting Network crew delivering the pillows was not jabbed and thus not allowed to enter Canada.

“I don’t see any problem that they’re gonna have,” Lindell said Tuesday, according to Newsweek, adding this time the crew will have the “right credentials and everything,” despite being “definitely not vaccinated.”

According to Lindell, the delivery required “another permit.”

“So they expedited that on the Canadian side, they expedited that permit, so I believe we’ll have that tonight and we’ll see what happens in the morning,” he added.

Lindell said that MyPillow does own a Canadian factory close to Ottawa. He admitted to Newsweek that the plant cannot make the thousands of pillows as they lack the “raw materials” needed.

“The shopping channel up there and the box stores canceled me in Canada last year, too, during their big cancel culture push on MyPillow,” Lindell noted, as reported by Newsweek. “That’s why we’re having to bring them clear from Minnesota.”

Prof. Jordan Peterson Slams Trudeau for Invoking Emergencies Act: ‘Section 1 is being used illegally’

 By Todd Crawford | February 15, 2022

Jordan Peterson addresses students at The Cambridge Union on Nov. 02, 2018 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. (PImage: Chris Williamson/Getty Images)

Canadian national, Dr. Jordan Peterson, bestselling author of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, popular YouTube personality and clinical psychologist blasted the Trudeau government Tuesday morning in a flurry of tweets denouncing the Canadian government for invoking the Emergencies Act. 

Justin Trudeau took the unprecedented action on Feb. 14 of invoking the Emergencies Act, granting his government far reaching powers, something that has never been done before in Canadian history. The only political action close to what Trudeau has done involved his father and former Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who invoked the Emergencies Act’s predecessor, the War Measures Act, in the 1970s to quell terrorist activity by the then Front de libération du Québec (FLQ).

On Tuesday morning Peterson tweeted, “‘today we celebrate our national flag’ under martial law.”

In another tweet, he brought focus to an article published by the Toronto Star, a typically sympathetic media towards the liberal government, titled, “Invoking the Emergencies Act is a shocking admission of failure.”

Peterson, a long outspoken critic of the Trudeau government, said on Friday, Feb. 11 that Trudeau “can’t stop a decentralised movement with bluster, threats and force.” However, this appears to be exactly how the Trudeau government is addressing the matter. 

Peterson retweeted a statement by Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre, who is vying to become the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, the official opposition to Trudeau’s government, and who is a staunch supporter of eliminating COVID-19 measures in Canada.

“While the rest of the world and provinces across Canada are beginning to remove restrictions and mandates, Justin Trudeau decided to pile new ones on targeting truckers’ livelihoods and now he’s got protests right around the country. And now he’s dropping in the polls, desperately trying to save his political career and save face for himself,” Poilievre said, adding that, “The solution is staring him in the face. All he has to do is listen to the experts, do what other countries are doing and that is to eliminate these mandates and restrictions to let the protesters, including the truckers, go back to their jobs and their lives.”

Peterson also tweeted a widely shared video depicting Trudeau speaking favorably about communist China saying, “Trudeau on the Chinese Communist Party: ‘their basic dictatorship’ offers ‘flexibility’ and ‘the ability to go green faster.’ Happy happy flag day Canadians. Or [expletive] else.” 

Among his flurry of tweets was a statement by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) stating, “The federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: the Act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. This standard has not been met.”

The CCLA continued, “The Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation ‘seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ & when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.’”

The thread concluded stating, “Governments regularly deal with difficult situations, and do so using powers granted to them by democratically elected representatives. Emergency legislation should not be normalized. It threatens our democracy and our civil liberties. #cdnpoli.”

👍 Great!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Mike Lindell sending truckload of pillows to Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa


 | Updated Feb 16, 2022, 09:24 PM

Mike Lindell is sending a truck full of his pillows to the Freedom Convoy in Canada, the MyPillow CEO told the Washington Examiner on Wednesday.

Lindell, who hails from Minnesota, denied a report that said he was outright barred Tuesday evening from crossing the Canadian border. He said he initially lacked a permit to cross the border, but his team now has "access to the other permit" and is ready to make its way to the capital city of Ottawa on Thursday.


Over the phone, Lindell said his factory, about an hour and a half away from Ottawa, does not have enough products "because of the cancellation that they did in Canada" over his claims of fraud in the 2020 U.S. election. He said the truck carrying pillows for the truckers and their children is expected to arrive in Ottawa later in the afternoon.


Truckers and their supporters have been protesting across Canada for weeks against COVID-19 mandates. There have been particularly large protests in Ottawa.

The MyPillow CEO was very critical of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling him "an evil, evil, evil dictator." Lindell said he predicts the protests in Canada will end when Trudeau lifts all the mandates in Canada, saying it is what "99% of the people want in Canada."

"This is disgusting what he's done to Canada," Lindell said. "He needs to get rid of all the mandates and open up Canada. Enough's enough!"

Trudeau made history this week by becoming the first Canadian leader to invoke the federal Emergencies Act to try to bring an end to the Freedom Convoy protests.

A report from the National Post on Monday claimed that an unidentified senior government source said Lindell and an accompanying videographer were traveling to Ottawa to distribute “pillows and Bibles” to convoy protesters. The source also said a MyPillow truck carrying “over 10,000 pillows,” including 1,000 “Bible pillows” for the truckers' children, was intercepted as it tried to cross the Ambassador Bridge leading to Windsor, Ontario.

In his discussion with the Washington Examiner, Lindell denied the claim that the truck had been intercepted and insisted that he and a videographer did not try and fail to cross the Canadian border themselves.

Right Side Broadcasting Network, based in Auburn, Alabama, had hoped to cover the distribution of the truckers' supplies, according to a statement released by the outlet. However, "due to COVID-19 protocols," RSBN's crew was denied access to Canada and returned to the United States, according to the statement.

Lindell is a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump and has been a vocal booster of claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 U.S. election. He filed a lawsuit against the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot to block the panel from retrieving his phone records.

The Canada Services Border Agency has not yet responded to the Washington Examiner's request for comment.

👍 You are great!