Tuesday, July 4, 2023

UN report says Russian armed forces have used 91 children as human shields

António Guterres, the UN’s secretary general, called out Russia on Thursday for killing 136 children in Ukraine in 2022, adding its armed forces to a global list of offenders, according to a report to the UN security council seen by Reuters.

The UN also verified that Russian armed forces and affiliated groups injured 518 children and carried out 480 attacks on schools and hospitals. Russian armed forces also used 91 children as human shields, according to the report.

Russia has denied targeting civilians since it invaded Ukraine last February. The Ukrainian armed forces are not on the global offenders list.

The report also verified that Ukrainian armed forces killed 80 children, injured 175 children and carried out 212 attacks on schools and hospitals, Reuters reports.

Guterres reportedly said in the report that he was “particularly shocked” by the high number of children killed and wounded and attacks on schools and hospitals by Russian armed forces.

He also said he was “particularly disturbed” by the high number of such offences against children by Ukrainian armed forces.

Guterres’ annual report to the 15-member security council on children and armed conflict covers the killing, maiming, sexual abuse, abduction or recruitment of children, denial of aid access and targeting of schools and hospitals.

The report was compiled by Virginia Gamba, Guterres’ special representative for children and armed conflict.


Unlawful Transfer: Inside The Russian System To Take Ukraine's Children


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