Monday, May 8, 2023

HELL ON EARTH Inside Russia’s sick ‘Nazi-style ghettos’ where Ukrainians are ‘forced to work or fight’ & infected are ‘left to die’

THOUSANDS of Ukrainians are being housed in Putin’s chilling “Nazi-style” filtration camps where they are “forced to work or fight on the frontline” and the “sick are left to die”. 

A haunting report shared with The Sun by Ukrainian military investigations site Molfar revealed the shocking conditions of the detention camps that have been compared to the brutal Jewish ghettos of WW2.  

Images show a Tuberculosis  isolation ward where patients have allegedly been locked inside
Images show a Tuberculosis isolation ward where patients have allegedly been locked insideCredit: Molfar
Children are seen inside "re-education camps" where they are allegedly cleansed of their Ukrainian heritage
Children are seen inside "re-education camps" where they are allegedly cleansed of their Ukrainian heritage
Mass graves in Bucha reveal the horrors inflicted on Ukrainians during Vlad's invasion
Mass graves in Bucha reveal the horrors inflicted on Ukrainians during Vlad's invasionCredit: EPA
A refugee camp has also been set up in Russia on a site once used to dismantle chemical weapons
A refugee camp has also been set up in Russia on a site once used to dismantle chemical weaponsCredit: Molfar

A network of sinister camps has been set up across Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine to "filter" civilians, according to the Ukrainian Ombudsman for Human Rights in Lyudmyla Denisov. 

Deportees have their fingerprints taken, their phones checked and documents taken from them on arrival with the aim of uncovering Ukrainian fighters - many of which are never seen again.

Those who remain are given certificates that allow them to travel in the areas around the camp or in and out of the city - while others are loaded onto trains and taken to remote parts of Russia, the report states. 

Shocking images from inside the camps show people crowded into tents and empty buildings with some being left to starve on just one meal a day. 

Reports also suggest Tuberculosis is rife throughout the camps, with the infected at one site being locked inside a school gym and denied essential medical care. 

Russia has denied forcibly moving Ukrainians to Russia via the camps and claims the deportations are instead evacuations.

The camps share shocking parallels to Jewish ghettos of the Second World War, where millions were segregated and persecuted before being loaded onto trains and sent to Hitler’s death camps. 

Many died from disease and starvation or were killed by evil SS soldiers across 1,142 ghettos in Nazi Germany’s occupied eastern territories.

A chilling Sun exclusive revealed chilling leaked spy documents, that showed Putin’s plans for a “total cleansing” of Ukraine in his bid to win the war. 

The orders from within Russia’s FSB intelligence service came “from the very top” and spoke of “door-to-door terror” where “people will be detained in their homes at night during curfew and transferred to Russian territories - concentration camps and worse.”

Each time Putin’s forces are pushed back, more evidence emerges of the horror they inflicted on the Ukrainian population.

Mass graves of civilians butchered by Russian troops, others marched to their deaths at gunpoint, torture chambers and the ongoing anguish of Ukrainian parents whose children have been abducted all bear witness to Putin’s plans.

A Sun Investigation also delved into Putin's ring of evil child snatchers who are turning Ukrainian kids into "Russian zombies" in Nazi-style "re-education camps".

Children inside the camps are said to have been put through the process of "information zombification" to rid them of their Ukrainian heritage and make them "pro-Russian."

During a UN security council meeting last year, the UN representative for Ukraine Serhiy Kyslytsia compared the forced resettlement of Ukrainians in such camps with the actions of Nazi Germany. 


It appears Putin’s sinister plans are now being played out in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine after his troops failed to take Kyiv in the first few days of the invasion, the report shows.  

Most detention centres appeared in the Donetsk region having been set up inside old schools, sports halls, police stations and community centres.

Images showed men, women and children from bombed-out Mariupol pictured at a camp in Donetsk huddled in tents ready for "registration". 

Russian news agency TASS claimed that heroic Russian rescuers there had offered up their own phones so refugees could call relatives at the camp, with three meals a day provided and “around the clock” care from doctors and psychologists available. 

The shocking report from Molfar however paints a very different picture of conditions inside Vlad’s sick “ghettos”. 

A detention camp in Mariupol is said to have housed a large number of men for two weeks giving them just one meal a day while they were forced to sleep on floors and corridors. 

Even more shocking are the reports of TB outbreaks among the detained, a flu-like bacterial infection that can kill if left untreated. 

Those with TB being held at the Bezimenne school, close to the city of Mariupol, have been locked inside a school gym now used as an isolation ward, according to the report. 

It’s alleged that the sick have been denied medical care and have been left to die after being trapped inside. 

A certificate allegedly handed out to detainees allowing them to move around the city where the filtration camp is located
A certificate allegedly handed out to detainees allowing them to move around the city where the filtration camp is locatedCredit: Molfar
Satellite images show tents in the Russian camp of Mariupol refugees as of March 22, 2022
Satellite images show tents in the Russian camp of Mariupol refugees as of March 22, 2022Credit: Molfar
Some have been placed inside basic tents while they are waiting for "registration"
Some have been placed inside basic tents while they are waiting for "registration"Credit: Molfar
Pictures from inside the camps showed cramped conditions where many slept on floors and in corridors
Pictures from inside the camps showed cramped conditions where many slept on floors and in corridorsCredit: Molfar

Anyone who tries to escape is detained and beaten with one man reported to have died from his injuries at a camp in the village of Kozatske.

In December, the Office of the United Nations Commission for Human Rights reported that Russian security services had forcibly disappeared a woman who failed the "filtration process".

Sinister refugee camps have also appeared in parts of Russia, with many being housed at a site used for the destruction of chemical weapons during the 50s and 60s. 

Over 65,000 acres of forest at Leonidovka are thought to have been polluted from the dismantling of the weapons where the water, soil and plantlife all tested positive for arsenic and other toxic heavy metals. 

Their movements in and out of the camp are controlled with pictures showing the site surrounded by tall fencing and a single gateway in and out.

Ukrainians are also “offered employment” at the camps before being loaded onto trains bound for remote areas of Russia such as Rostov and Krasnodar. 

They are said to receive documents that prohibit them from leaving Russia for two years with some being sent as far as Siberia and the Arctic Circle, according to reports in Ukraine. 

Speaking to Ukrainian news site Ukrinform, Lyudmila Denisova says a witness reported 300 Ukrainians had been loaded onto a train bound for Siberia. 

The forced deportation or transfer of all or part of an occupied territory constitutes a war crime under the Geneva Convention of 1949. 

According to Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, at least 2 million 800 thousand Ukrainians have been deported to or forced to leave for Russia since February 2022. 

The United Nations estimates that there are 2.5 million Ukrainians who have been forcibly deported to Russia.

Just days ago Putin signed a decree that gives Ukrainians living in Russian-controlled areas a path to Russian citizenship.

But those who refuse will be treated as foreign citizens which could leave them at risk of being deported.

Ukrainian Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Malyar this week accused Russia of trying to change what she called "the ethnic make-up" of occupied territory by bringing in settlers from remote parts of Russia while deporting people suspected of being pro-Ukrainian.

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