Thursday, April 27, 2023

Supreme Allied Commander Europe: 98% of the promised combat vehicles were delivered to Ukraine

 27 April, 2023

A Bradley infantry fighting vehicle fires a TOW anti-tank missile. Photo from open sources

General Christopher Cavoli, Commander of the U.S. European Command, reported that the partners have already handed over 98% of the promised combat equipment to Ukraine.

He is confident that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive the necessary weapons in time for the upcoming counteroffensive against the Russian invasion forces.

Cavoli announced this during the hearings of the Committee on the Armed Forces of the House of Representatives.

“We sat down with our Ukrainian colleagues and calculated the amount of materials they would need for this offensive. We gathered it from our allies, who were very generous, especially in regard to tanks and armoured fighting vehicles.

And we delivered all this to Ukraine, we have already delivered over 98% of the combat vehicles, they are already there,” Cavoli said, as quoted by European Pravda.

He also expressed “firm confidence” that the necessary equipment was delivered to Ukraine and announced the ongoing supplies to Ukrainian forces to support their activities and resist the Russian invasion.

According to Cavoli, the material assistance and training of the military, which was provided to Ukraine by more than 50 international partners, was huge and decisive for the success of the Ukrainian military.

“Over the winter, our coalition has enabled the Armed Forces of Ukraine to generate capabilities necessary to defend and regain parts of Ukraine’s sovereign territory,” the American general said.

М113 військових України у ході контрнаступу на Харківщині. Вересень 2022. Україна. Фото з соцмереж

In addition, he expressed his confidence in the Ukrainian side making good use of the international defense assistance provided.

On April 21, the 11th meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine took place at the Ramstein base in Germany.

Lloyd Austin, U.S. Defense Secretary, noted that during a few months, the partners supplied Ukraine with more than 230 tanks, 1,550 units of armored vehicles, and other equipment and ammunition. All this assistance was provided to support more than nine new armored brigades.

He also shared that in a few weeks, M1 Abrams tanks would arrive in Germany, on which defenders of Ukraine would undergo training. Many members of the Contact Group are also intensifying the supply of new air defense systems and ammunition for them, which Ukraine critically needs.

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