Monday, January 16, 2023

Traitors who provided Russians with information on SOF’s operators during the occupation of Kherson detained

 16 January, 2023

Detained persons who, according to the SSU, worked for the Russian invaders

The SSU counterintelligence has exposed two agents who worked for the Russian invaders and merged the safe houses of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the occupation of Kherson.

Russian agents were discovered as a result of stabilization measures in the liberated city.

According to the Security Service, one of them was a local resident, whom the servicemen of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine engaged in performing combat missions on the southern front.

When the invaders seized the regional center, he sided with the Russians and offered his help in the war against Ukraine.

It is reported that on the night of June 26-27, 2022, he “leaked” the address of the safe house of the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces in Kherson to two representatives of the Russian FSB with the callsigns “Mars” and “Green”.

He also revealed to the enemy the location of the operational group of special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city, SSU reports.

“The aggressor made use of the received information to capture several Ukrainian soldiers and their families,” the report said.

Besides, the traitor tried to persuade local residents to secretly cooperate with Russian special services in the temporarily occupied areas of the southern region.

The other detainee is a contract soldier of one of the Armed Forces brigades, who was a friend of the aforementioned enemy agent. In June last year, the Ukrainian serviceman was captured by the invaders.

“There he tried to prove his loyalty to the Russian invaders by all means possible. For this, he gave the FSB an address of residence of a sibling of the commander of his combat group, who was then captured by the invaders,” the SSU explains.

According to the Ukrainian special services, he also provided the Russians with the information about the locations and combat missions of his unit. Subsequently, the soldier was returned to the Ukrainian side during the POWs exchange.

On the basis of the collected evidence, the investigators of the Security Service informed both persons involved about the suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed under martial law). The court chose detention as a measure of restraint.

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