Monday, June 20, 2022

Putin activates '50 sleeper agents' to start attacks on UK infrastructure

VLADIMIR PUTIN has given the go-ahead for up to 50 sleeper agents in Britain to prepare attacks against the UK as tensions over Russia's war in Ukraine intensify, it has been claimed.


02:24, Mon, Jun 20, 2022 | UPDATED: 02:27, Mon, Jun 20, 2022

vladimir putin

Ukraine LIVE: Putin could be preparing up to 50 'sleeper agents' in Britain to prepare attacks (Image: GETTY)

MI5 fear the Russian President has ordered the undercover agents to be ready to launch cyber attacks. Intelligence bosses are also worried agents could try to steal military information and target Ukrainian activists and Russian dissidents. A senior intelligence iunsider told the Mirror: "We have to assume Russia is now active at all levels of British society. They scoop up all forms of intelligence and pass it back to the Kremlin through handlers.

"This could be anything from what sort of weaponry is being sent to the Ukraine – and how much of it – to the sexual antics of the country’s political and military leaders."

Former military intelligence officer Lt Col Philip Ingram said: “It is impossible to accurately assess how many Russian agents there are in the UK.

"Of course there are different types – declared intelligence officers known as part of Russian diplomatic missions, and those operating under cover trying to recruit agents and then sleeper agents in all aspects of society.

"Given our support for Ukraine, Russian intelligence will be focused heavily on operations inside the UK and could also include recruiting agents inside political establishments, defence and industry."

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