Sunday, June 5, 2022

China's leukemia patients soared, children sent to the doctor with fever after vaccination

2022.06.02 05:24 ET

China's leukemia patients soared, children sent to the doctor with fever after vaccinationQi Yuchen (9 years old), a patient from Tianjin, developed acute myeloid leukemia after being injected with the second domestic vaccine of Beijing Biotechnology on December 24, 2021

After a group of people in China were vaccinated against the new crown, they developed high fever and other symptoms, and the hospital was diagnosed with leukemia. This station obtained a list of nearly 500 patients, showing that most of them were vaccinated in the second half of last year. After being vaccinated with the domestically produced new crown vaccine, these people showed abnormality in their bodies. Several family members of the patients said they hoped the government would commission experts to investigate the cause.

Whether the new crown vaccine causes leukemia or diabetes, there is no medical conclusion. A group of people between the ages of 3 and 70 in China complained that they developed leukemia shortly after being injected with the domestically produced new crown vaccine. These patients have developed symptoms of fever, cough, headache, vomiting and dyspnea since receiving the domestically produced new crown vaccine last year, and were diagnosed with leukemia by the hospital. This station obtained a list of 486 people who were diagnosed with leukemia and diabetes, so they randomly interviewed the family members of the patients and listened to them about the disease process. The vaccination time of these confirmed patients was concentrated between August and December last year, and then they became ill.

Qi Yiqun, a resident of Dongli District, Tianjin, told this station on Thursday (2nd) that his 9-year-old daughter Qi Yuchen had symptoms the next day after receiving the second dose of the new crown vaccine on December 24th last year, and was later diagnosed with leukemia. He called the Tianjin Center for Disease Control and Prevention to inquire, and the answer was to wait until the epidemic was over to investigate:

"My daughter had a fever the next day (December 25) after the second injection. She went to the hospital to test for platelets as high as 700 (normal 100-300), and hemoglobin was abnormal. After the examination, it was confirmed that it was myeloid leukemia m0. She is now in the stage of chemotherapy. , waiting for a bone marrow transplant. The CDC told me to wait until the Tianjin epidemic is over to give me the results of the investigation."

Qi Yuchen's vaccination record.  (Provided by family members/Reporter Qiao Long)
Qi Yuchen's vaccination record. (Provided by family members/Reporter Qiao Long)

Sudden increase in leukemia patients during the same period

In this list of nearly 500 people, there are more than 130 people under the age of 20, and most of the rest are between 20 and 50 years old. The father of He Jiarui, a 17-year-old patient in Jingmen, Hubei, confirmed to Taiwan on Thursday that his son received the second dose of the new crown vaccine on August 29 last year and was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in early February this year. Mr. He told this station that his son had mild symptoms after being vaccinated, and he didn't care at that time until his condition worsened:

"I had a little symptom at the beginning, but I didn't care. The diagnosis of leukemia was at Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital on February 3. The report is useless, the state doesn't care. It (CDC) wants you to go to the hospital to issue a certificate (to prove that vaccination caused leukemia) ."

In the long list, many others developed symptoms of diabetes after being vaccinated. The hospital was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Among them, Pu Hao, a patient from Wuxi, Jiangsu, who is 8 years old this year, received two doses of Kexing vaccine at the beginning and end of November last year, and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on February 6 this year. Pu Hao's father told this station that his son suddenly developed symptoms of diabetes in February this year:

Mr. Pu: "I have been wetting the bed at night, and I drank a lot of water."

Reporter: "What is the blood sugar level?"

Mr. Pu: "20, and there are patients with higher blood sugar levels. There are seven or eight hundred people in my group (diabetes), and some people have not reported it. There is a possibility of vaccines."

Not only leukemia but also diabetic family members for help

On Tuesday, leukemia patients in more than 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions including Beijing, Shanghai, and Jiangsu sent two open letters one after another, complaining that they and their relatives were diagnosed with leukemia after being vaccinated against the new crown. They complained that petitioning was suppressed, but reporters who asked for help were told that they "can't report"; the information about asking for help was blocked.

Left: A patient's family said that it is difficult to afford the high medical expenses.  Middle: After being vaccinated, he found out he had diabetes.  Patients communicate within social groups.  Right: A child in Henan complained to the local government that the child had a high fever that day after being vaccinated against the new crown.  Authorities said they were investigating.  (Web image)
Left: A patient's family said that it is difficult to afford the high medical expenses. Middle: After being vaccinated, he found out he had diabetes. Patients communicate within social groups. Right: A child in Henan complained to the local government that the child had a high fever that day after being vaccinated against the new crown. Authorities said they were investigating. (Web image)

Children's parents complained.  (Web image)
Children's parents complained. (Web image)

Zhang Jianping, a commentator on current affairs in Yixing, Jiangsu, said that a group of family members of leukemia and diabetes patients have recently appeared in WeChat and Weibo Moments for help. The number is surprising. He told this station that it is still impossible to conclude that the injection of the new crown vaccine causes leukemia, but whether there will be human errors in the production, packaging and transportation of the vaccine, it is worth investigating by the relevant departments:

"For example, this nucleic acid detection reagent has exposed corporate black heart and corruption, and such problems will also occur in the process of vaccine production. These problems will also occur under this system, including its (vaccine) manufacturing process, and some problems may not be intentional. No. The problems exposed by nucleic acid testing are irresponsible, and the possibility of intentional actions cannot be ruled out.”

China's problem vaccine has a lesson from the past

At the same time, the parents of more than 600 children called for help, saying that their children were suffering from diabetes after being vaccinated against the new crown. Parents said in their appeal letters that since October last year to May this year, there have been thousands of cases of type 1 diabetes in children during the vaccination period, all of which have been determined by experts to be unrelated to the vaccine. Parents believe that some of these children did not have related diseases during the health check before vaccination, and many of their families had no history of diabetes, and even the middle-aged and elderly elders did not have diabetes. Parents hope that the relevant expert group will re-evaluate the children.

According to public information, China's "problem vaccines" were exposed by the media and can be traced back to the Shanxi vaccine incident in 2007, when many children were injured and died after being injected with vaccines in Shanxi. In July 2018, the DPT vaccine produced by the company "Changchun Changsheng Bio", which occupies a quarter of China's vaccine market, was revealed to have tampered with the production date and falsified vaccine records. Finally, the company went bankrupt and many senior officials in Changchun City were dismissed. In 2021, the Chinese police announced that in the cases of fake vaccines cracked by the police in Jiangsu, Beijing, Shandong and other places, the involved persons were injected with physiological saline and processed into fake vaccines. Later, due to insufficient physiological saline, mineral water was used instead.

Reporter: Qiao Long Editor in charge: Chen Meihua Xu Shuting Web editor: Ruizhe

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