Saturday, June 18, 2022

Britain wants to give Ukraine “strategic endurance” - Johnson

17.06.2022 20:40

Great Britain seeks to ensure that Ukraine gains strategic endurance in its fight against Russian aggression.

That’s according to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Friday, June 17, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“After 114 days of attack on Ukraine, they have still not achieved the objectives they set out for the first week, so, Volodymyr, we’re here once again to underline that we are with you, to give you the strategic endurance that you will need,” Johnson said in a statement, speaking alongside Zelensky in Kyiv.

The head of the British government noted that his country would be working to intensify sanctions on Putin’s regime and strengthen the diplomatic coalition around the world in support of Ukraine.

Read also: Heavy weapons, air defense, security guarantees on agenda of Zelensky’s meeting with Johnson

Johnson said he understood the need to liberate Ukraine’s grain, which is being “held hostage” by Putin, who is trying to deprive the world of the food.

“We will continue as we have from the beginning to provide the military equipment that you need and now, of course, the training that may be necessary to go with that new equipment so that you, the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian Armed Forces, would be able to do what I believe Ukrainians yearn to do, and that is to expel the aggressor away,” Johnson stressed.

According to PM Johnson, that would be a moment for talks about the future in the context of a free Ukraine.

“And we will work, together with you and with our partners, to rebuild your wonderful country for the benefit of Ukrainians and, I might say, for the benefit of the whole global economy,” Johnson concluded.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, on June 17, Boris Johnson made a second surprise visit to Kyiv since Russian invasion. 

In the darkest days of the war started by Russia, a senseless and brutal war...Ukraine is not alone! Great Britain, America, Poland... and many other countries stand up against Russia. Thanks Boris Johnson! you have brought high morale to Ukraine.

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