Sunday, May 8, 2022

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping …the leaders for life of nations in chaos

  • WITH absolutely no sense of irony – brutal dictatorships don’t do irony – tomorrow they will celebrate Victory Day in Russia.

    The jackboots will be gleaming. The lines of tanks will stretch to the horizon.

    Mad Vlad is not the only all-powerful autocrat currently having a career blip - China’s President Xi Jinping has come out as a leader with feet of clay
    Mad Vlad is not the only all-powerful autocrat currently having a career blip - China’s President Xi Jinping has come out as a leader with feet of clayCredit: AP

    The Red Army will goose-step with the carefully choreographed precision of chorus girls. And a grateful population will honour the visionary wisdom of President Vladimir Putin.

    And the derisive, mocking laughter will echo around the world.

    Because this year Victory Day — when Russia remembers the end of what they call the Great Patriotic War, a day after we celebrate our own VE Day — will be a bit different.

    After the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Russia’s armed forces stand revealed as a rabble of murderers, sadists, rapists, looters and cowards.

    Putin himself will be remembered as the Russian President who turned his country into the most despised nation on earth, a rogue state that sought to annihilate a brave nation that its incompetent armed forces could not — and will never — conquer.

    This year’s Victory Day in Moscow marks a Russian failure of historic proportions. Almost six million Ukrainians forced from their homes. Peaceful cities reduced to smoking ruins.

    And Russia’s insane violence has pushed the planet closer to nuclear conflict than it has been for a lifetime.

    There will be no victory for Putin or Russia in Ukraine. No matter how many cities Russia destroys, or how many innocents are raped, tortured and killed.

    Russia — and Putin’s — abject failure is plain to see. Celebrate that, comrade.

    And Mad Vlad is not the only all- powerful autocrat currently having a career blip. China’s President Xi Jinping has come out as a leader with feet of clay — and brains to match.

    At exactly the moment that Putin is revealed as a weak, deluded dictator who has made the move that will finish him, Xi Jinping has led his country down a dead end which will crush China’s fantasy of world domination.

    Xi’s “zero Covid” policy — attempting to eradicate coronavirus with brutally enforced lockdowns — has pushed China to economic, social and political breaking point.

    As the free world learns to live with Covid, Shanghai — population 26million — has been in draconian lockdown for more than a month.

    In nearly 50 sprawling cities across China, the scenes in Shanghai are being repeated, with an estimated 370million Chinese citizens currently under some form of lockdown.

    Going hungry, going crazy. Not a great look for President Xi, who has warned darkly about “any slackening” from his lunatic policy of zero Covid.

    At the start of the pandemic, China crowed that it was beating the virus it exported to the world. President Xi boasted, “the pandemic once again proves the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.”

    How’s that working out, oh mighty one? We know now lockdowns alone were never going to win the war against Covid.

    And Xi’s national vanity will never admit it, but China’s domestic vaccinations are simply not as effective as the jabs produced in the decadent West. And millions of older Chinese have not been vaccinated, even with the local jabs.

    Xi knows that ending the lockdowns would let the highly transmissible Omicron variant rip through a sparsely and poorly vaccinated population. The consequences would be horrific.

    And so, China marches on zero Covid’s road to nowhere, with no way out in sight. All this is catastrophic news for Xi Jinping, who is still hoping that November’s 20th congress of the Chinese Communist Party will extend his term in office indefinitely.

    Putin and Xi both seek to be their country’s leader for life, the only beloved Fuhrer their grateful people will ever need. But both Putin and Xi have made apocalyptic cock-ups.

    And even the brainwashed population of China and Russia must one day see the damage that has been done to their country by the monstrous ego of one megalomaniacal.

    As Putin smiles and waves at Russia’s goose-stepping thugs as they parade through Red Square tomorrow, the civilised world will be asking the big question. Who are the Nazis now?


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