Saturday, May 7, 2022

US intelligence to Ukraine is 'legitimate, lawful, limited', Pentagon says


Here is a little more detail on US officials deflecting questions that US intelligence helped Ukraine kill top Russian generals and sink the Moskva missile cruiser.

The US defence department’s spokesperson, John Kirby, held a press conference on Friday where he was asked about reports that the Pentagon has provided information with Ukrainian leaders to help them target and kill Russian generals.

Kirby would not corroborate the reports, instead saying Ukraine “makes the decisions” when it comes to how they use US intel and emphasising the importance of being careful when discussing intelligence-sharing with other countries.

Kirby told reporters:

We provide [Ukrainians] what we believe to be relevant and timely information about Russian units that could allow them to adjust and execute their self- defence to the best of their ability. ...

The Pentagon spokesperson also emphasised that other countries have provided Ukraine with information on Russian troop movements:

We are not the only sole source of intelligence and information to the Ukrainians. They get intelligence from other nations as well. And they have a pretty robust intelligence collection capability of their own. ...

And if they do decide to do something with that intelligence, then they make the decisions about acting on it....

The kind of intelligence that we provide them – it’s legitimate, it’s lawful, and it’s limited.”

Kirby also stressed that Ukraine combines intelligence from many countries and the US is “not the sole source of intelligence and information to the Ukrainians”.

The important thing is that Ukraine knows how to use intel info, they are brave and fight like hell against ennemy to save their country!

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