Friday, May 6, 2022

Poll: 96% of Ukrainians praise country’s Army

05.05.2022 06:40

Ukrainians retain a positive attitude to the soldiers who at different times and in different armies defended their homeland from enemies.

This is evidenced by the tenth nationwide poll: "Ideological markers of war (April 27, 2022)", run by the Rating Sociological Group, Ukrinform reports.

According to the survey, the vast majority of respondents (96%) retain a positive attitude towards soldiers with the modern Ukrainian Army. Society is also dominated by a positive attitude towards Soviet soldiers who fought against Nazism (85%) and UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) soldiers (71%). While there are regional differences in the assessments of Soviet soldiers and UPA forces, there is a complete regional and age consensus on modern-day soldiers of the Ukrainian Army, sociologists say.

According to them, support for the recognition of the OUN-UPA as participants in the fight for state independence of Ukraine has increased significantly: 81% support the assumption and only 10% are against it. Since 2010, the support rate has quadrupled, and since 2015, it has doubled.

Read also: Poll: 95% of Ukrainians believe in triumph over Russia

Interestingly, assessing the current Ukrainian-Russian war, three-quarters of respondents believe that Ukrainian soldiers and officers today protect both the people of Ukraine and the peoples of Europe, and only 22% suggest it’s only the people of Ukraine that they defend, say sociologists.

The poll was conducted on April 27, 2022, among the population of Ukraine over the age of 18 in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. The sample is representative by age, sex, and type of settlement. Sample population: 1,000 respondents. Survey method: CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews).

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