Monday, March 21, 2022

VLADOLF HITLER Putin likened to HITLER after ‘Ukrainians deported to work camps in distant parts of Russia’

Stephen Moyes, in Lviv, Ukraine

VLADIMIR Putin was likened to Adolf Hitler yesterday after reports his invading troops were forcibly deporting Ukranians to sinister Russian work camps.

Up to 5,000 residents were bundled away from the besieged city of Mariupol — with many taken to Taganrog in south-western Russia to support Putin’s deranged claim he was “liberating” Ukraine.

Putin was likened to Adolf Hitler after reports his invading troops were forcibly deporting Ukrainians to sinister Russian work camps
Putin was likened to Adolf Hitler after reports his invading troops were forcibly deporting Ukrainians to sinister Russian work camps
Ukrainians fleeing from Mariupol arrive at Lviv
Ukrainians fleeing from Mariupol arrive at LvivCredit: AP
Up to 5,000 residents were bundled away from besieged Mariupol and taken to Taganrog in Russia
Up to 5,000 residents were bundled away from besieged Mariupol and taken to Taganrog in Russia

Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko likened Moscow’s actions to “the horrific events of World War Two, when the Nazis forcibly captured people”

Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of the Donetsk regional administration, said: “The occupiers are sending the residents of Mariupol to filtration camps, checking their phones and seizing their Ukrainian documents.”

Ukrainian MP Inna Sovsun told Times Radio yesterday people were being taken to “very distant parts of Russia” and “forced to sign papers saying that they will stay in that area for two or three years and they will work for free in those areas”.

Asked if this was slave labour, she said: “It is, yes. It is.”

Condemning the Kremlin’s “vicious and a barbarian attack on innocent civilians”, Boris Johnson also drew a direct comparison with the actions of the Nazis under Adolf Hitler in the 1940s.

The Prime Minister warned the Russian president would not stop at Ukraine, and a Putin victory would usher in the “beginning of a new age of intimidation across the whole of eastern Europe” and give “the green light for autocrats everywhere”.

The Tory leader said Putin is in a “total panic” about revolution in Moscow, and trying to “snuff out the flame of freedom in Ukraine”.

He added: “If Putin succeeds in crushing Ukraine, it will be the green light for autocrats everywhere in the Middle East, in the Far East.

“This is a turning point for the world. It’s a moment of choice. It’s a choice between freedom and oppression.”

Putin’s forces have forced ten million Ukrainians from their homes.

Supposed humanitarian corridors out of blitzed cities Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Sumy have been targeted by Moscow missiles, Ukraine said.

And escape routes leading only to Russia or Putin-backed Belarus were branded “immoral” by the United Nations.

But in the latest humiliating blow to Putin, the Deputy Commander of his Black Sea Fleet was killed yesterday.

Andrey Paliy was the sixth top military officer Russia has lost since the invasion of Ukraine.

After the killing of five army generals, first rank captain Andrey Paliy, 51, was the first senior naval officer killed in the war.

Konstantin Tsarenko, secretary of the public council of the Sevastopol Nakhimov Naval School and friend to Paliy, confirmed the officer’s death in a marine skirmish near Mariupol.

What is happening between Russia and Ukraine?

RUSSIA and the Ukraine have remained technically at war since 2014.

Ukraine was aligned with Russia as part of the Soviet Union until its collapse in 1991, following which it became an independent state.

Both nations remained closely tied - but Ukraine gradually began to distance itself, seeking deeper ties with the West.

The open conflict was triggered by the Ukrainian Revolution in 2014 - when an uprising overthrew the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych.

Vladimir Putin's forces reacted by annexing the region of Crimea from Ukraine - a move which was widely condemned by the West.

The conflict then spiralled when pro-Russian groups in Eastern Ukraine then took up arms against the state.

Russia gave their backing the separatist forces which formed breakaway republics in Donetsk and Luhansk.

Putin's forces then launched a military incursion into these regions as they gave their support to the rebels.

Russia continues to hold Crimea - and claims the region joined them willingly after they a referendum.

Almost seven years have now passed and the War in Donbass remains at a stalemate.

It is estimated some 14,000 have been killed in the conflict, including more than 3,00 civilians.

Ukraine and the rebels signed a new ceasefire in July 2020 - but clashes have been steadily increasing again since last November.

Paliy was born in Kyiv and in 1993 refused to take the Ukrainian military oath, instead serving in the Russian Northern Fleet.

He had earlier served on the Russian nuclear missile cruiser Peter the Great, and as deputy head of the Russian naval academy in Sevastopol, in annexed Crimea.

In yet more bad news for Russia, a US general warned its forces were running out of manpower and ammunition and had just a week left to conquer Ukraine.

Lt Gen Ben Hodges, a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, said the invaders were in trouble.

He insisted: “That’s why they have reached out to China for help and why they are now recruiting Syrians.

“Russian generals are running out of time, ammunition and manpower.”

He said Russia had already committed half its entire combat power to the war, adding: “At the height of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we were about 29 per cent committed — and it was difficult to sustain that.”

He said that on April 1, around 130,000 Russian families are required to send their sons aged 18 to 25 to conscription centres, to be inducted into the Russian Army.

Lt Gen Hodges said: “We should do all we can to influence that next intake.

“If we can get some of those families to join those who are already showing the courage to protest, that would send shockwaves across Russia.”

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