Saturday, March 19, 2022

Top Russian commander who masterminded a massacre killed on battlefield in Ukraine

Mar 19, 2022

One of Vladimir Putin’s top Russian commanders, Colonel Sergei Sukharev, a feared elite fighter who masterminded a massacre, has been killed.

Top Russian commander who masterminded a massacre killed on battlefield in Ukraine

One of Vladimir Putin’s top Russian commanders – a feared elite fighter who masterminded a massacre – has been killed.

Megan Palin

March 19, 2022

One of Vladimir Putin’s top Russian commanders who masterminded a massacre has been killed in Ukraine, Kyiv and state TV in Moscow have confirmed.

Colonel Sergei Sukharev, of the 331st Guards Parachute Assault Regiment from the “glorious” Kostroma, and his deputy Major Sergei Krylov were among several members of Russia’s most elite fighting forces who died in a clash with the Ukrainian resistance, on Thursday.

The Colonel was “liquidated” after he “got lost in the military ‘exercises’, but returned home the right way”, Ukraine’s Centre for Strategic Communication and Information Security (Stratcom) said in a statement.

Sukharev was widely understood to be responsible for the Ilovaisk massacre – in which at least 1000 Ukrainian soldiers were slaughtered by Russian forces who did not honour a deal to allow them to retreat safely from the besieged city in 2014.

“It is known that Sukharev’s regiment had fought against Ukraine outside the city Ilovaisk in Donbas back in 2014 and also took part in both Chechen wars and the Russian-Georgian war of 2008,” the centre added.

A Ukrainian soldier who survived the battle described it as a “real meat grinder”, The Kyiv Post reported.

Russia acknowledged that senior sergeant Sergei Lebedev, sergeant Alexander Limonov and corporal Yuri Degtyaryov were also killed in the battle.

Sukharev was seen on Russian TV in January when he led his troops back from Kazakhstan where they had been deployed following a wave of protests.

Russia described their mission as “peacekeeping” and Sukharev said his forces protected a vital power plant in Almaty.

Elite Russian fighter Sergei Sukhare has been killed in Ukraine, Moscow has confirmed.
Elite Russian fighter Sergei Sukhare has been killed in Ukraine, Moscow has confirmed.

Senior sergeant Sergei Lebedev, sergeant Alexander Limonov, corporal Yuri Degtyarev, and captain Alexei Nikitin – of the same paratroop regiment – were also killed, according to the BBC. The deaths were also reported by Russian news outlet GTRK Kostroma. At least four of Vladimir Putin’s generals, and more than 10 senior officers in total, have been killed since he launched the invasion of Ukraine on 24 February.

US intelligence estimates that 7,000 Russian troops have died, The New York Times reported – although experts say that all such claims should be treated with caution.

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