Friday, March 11, 2022

NATO warships should BLOCKADE Baltic Sea to bankrupt Putin's war machine

NATO has been urged to use warships to block Russian ports in the Baltic Sea sparking enhanced pressure on President Vladimir Putin.

Former NATO policy chief Fabrice Pothier said NATO should increase pressure on Putin's war machine by blocking ports in the Baltic Sea. Speaking to BBC's World at One, Mr Pothier said: "There's going to be a moment where we have to regain control of that escalation and be willing to better manage it and say no to things and not getting involved is not the way to do it with Putin."

Asked if NATO should be more active in this war, he added: "Yes, more actively which doesn't mean directly in the sense of putting boots on the ground but more active certainly.

"Put much more pressure in every possible direction on the Putin war machine and also on his economics.

"If you close or start controlling the access to the Baltic Sea, you will have a huge pressure point on Russian trade and this is what we need to do.

"We need to push Putin to a point of failure where he will have no other choice but to go back home to save his regime."

It comes as the Polish prime minister said on Wednesday any supply of fighter jets to Ukraine must be done jointly by NATO countries after Washington rejected Poland's offer to fly all its MIG-29 jets to a US airbase with a view to them being given to Kyiv.

Asked about the offer of Polish MIGs, the Kremlin described it as a potentially dangerous and undesirable scenario.

Ukraine has pleaded with Western nations to provide it with fighter jets to counter a Russian invasion that has forced more than two million refugees to flee the country, and US lawmakers have responded by pushing President Joe Biden's administration to facilitate the transfer of aircraft.

On Tuesday, Poland said it was ready to deploy all its MIG-29 jets to Ramstein Air Base in Germany and put them at the disposal of the United States, urging other NATO members to do the same.

The Pentagon later dismissed the offer as not "tenable".

"Such a serious decision as supplying planes must be unanimous and unequivocally made by the whole North Atlantic alliance," Mateusz Morawiecki said during a press conference in the Austrian capital Vienna broadcast on Polish television.

"We did not agree to supply planes by ourselves because it must be the decision of the whole of NATO," he added.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has also repeatedly asked the West to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine, but the US and its NATO allies have rebuffed those calls fearing a direct confrontation with Moscow.

NATO should increase military pressure on Russia, argues former NATO policy planning director

Fabrice Pothier, chief strategy officer at Rasmussen Global and former director of Policy Planning at NATO, gives us his latest take on the war in Ukraine, arguing Putin may have already lost his political agenda.
MON, MAR 7 2022

👍 The stronger NATO is, the more peaceful the world will be

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