Sunday, February 20, 2022

Waltz: Pelosi Has Been Co-Opted by China Due to Husband’s Finances


On Monday’s broadcast of Fox News Radio’s “Guy Benson Show,” Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) stated that House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) softened on China “about the time that her husband became heavily involved financially in Chinese investments and in Chinese firms.” And that this is an example of how the Chinese Communist Party co-opts people.

Host Guy Benson asked, [relevant exchange begins around 1:31:30] “Speaker Pelosi…urging American athletes not to speak out in Beijing, not to talk about human rights. Because she said it would be potentially dangerous for them, for their physical safety, for the safety of their families if they did so. What do you make of that guidance from the Speaker of the House? And isn’t that basically a succinct case for why the United States should not have our fingerprints on these games at all, if that’s what she believes?”

Waltz responded, “No, it completely is. But yet, she wouldn’t support my bill calling for a boycott, nor would she support my bill saying, you know what, if you’re going to sell products made with modern-day slave labor that we know is also building the Chinese — building up the Chinese military, then you shouldn’t be able to sell to the Defense Department. None of those she would support. And the thing is, she’s always been pretty tough, historically, about Tibet. She met with the Dalai Lama. She was tough. But she switched a few years ago. And, coincidentally, it was about the time that her husband became heavily involved financially in Chinese investments and in Chinese firms. And look, Guy, this is how the Chinese Communist Party operates. They co-opt people.”

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