Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Maori People Perform Haka Dance In Protest Of New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates


February 18, 2022

 Maori protesters have performed the Ka Mate haka which consists of foot-stomping, body slapping, loud chants and wild facial expressions at several protests against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and lockdowns in New Zealand.

One performance reportedly shows them chanting and moving in tandem outside of parliament.

The Maori are indigenous Polynesians that live on New Zealand’s mainland. They are descendants of East Polynesian immigrants who came to New Zealand in waves of canoe trips around 1300 CE, according to Brittanica.

The Ka Mate haka is well-known in New Zealand since it is done by the All Blacks, one of New Zealand’s national rugby teams, according to the Huff Post. The haka tells the tale of Te Rauparaha, a former war chief of the Ngati Toa tribe, the outlet said.

Ngati Toa, the tribe most associated with haka in New Zealand, condemned people for using it at antimandate protests, the New Zealand Herald reported. One of the tribe’s leaders said that they do not support what the protesters were representing and did not want to be associated with them.

Inspired by the “Freedom Convoy” of truckers in Canada, hundreds of protesters have been camping outside of the Parliament building in New Zealand for 12 days.   They have used similar protest tactics such as blocking off access to streets, according to ABC News. (RELATED: ‘Don’t Talk To Your Neighbors’: New Zealand Reimposes Lockdowns After Single COVID-19 Case)

New Zealand police arrested over 120 people on the third day of demonstrations. Authorities in New Zealand have tried using several tactics such as blasting songs to turning on lawn sprinklers to dissuade the protestors from staying.

Protesters have ignored warnings from the police that their vehicles will be towed if they remain, Reuters reported.


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