Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Hainan High Court’s former division director sentenced for taking 2.7 million dollars in bribes

 TheBL Staff 02/21/22

According to Sina, Liu Yangui 刘彦贵, a former judge of the Hainan Provincial Higher People’s Court was sentenced to eight years and six months in prison on February 18th for taking over 17 million yuan, equivalent to 2.7 million dollars in bribes.

In the first-instance court, Liu was fined with 142 thousand dollars. Afterwards, the illicit money was confiscated and turned over to the state treasury.

He was accused of assisting others in trials, cases’ execution, and accepting bribes in property from 17 requestors during his tenure as director of the Review and Supervision Division of the Executive Bureau at the Hainan High Court from 2010 to 2020.

On May 25, 2021, Liu voluntarily admitted his crime to the Hainan Provincial Supervisory Commission.


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