Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Biden telegraphs American weakness to the world, former SecState Pompeo says

Pompeo made his comments during a wide raging appearance on "Just the News - Not Noise" television program, cohosted by John Solomon and Amanda Head.

By Just the News staff

Updated: February 7, 2022 - 5:45pm

The Biden administration has telegraphed to the world that the United States is weaker than during the Obama years, and has emboldened foreign actors to take advantage of diminished American strength, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

"President Obama was pretty weak around the world," said Pompeo, who was America's top diplomat during the Trump administration. "What we've seen in just this first year of the Biden administration is even weaker. "

Pompeo made his comments during a wide raging appearance on "Just the News - Not Noise" television program, cohosted by John Solomon and Amanda Head.

"Whether it was the debacle that was the manner in which we departed from Afghanistan or the fact that Putin goes to meet with President Biden after having shut down American pipelines," Pompeo said. In the latter instance, Biden merely told Putin, "Don't do that again," Pompeo said.

Putin and other autocrats around the world "see this kind of ... failed American leadership," Pompeo said. "And it's a fundamental reversal from where we were for our four years in the Trump administration."

Another sign of weakness is the southern border, where people continue to cross into the United States illegally. 

"If you're not prepared to protect your own sovereignty, if you're not prepared to defend your own borders, and make sure you know what's coming in and out of your country, then I think the world can see that you're not about to be on the global stage, making sure that you protect American interests elsewhere, as well," Pompeo said.

In addition to serving as secretary of state, Pompeo also was director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Trump, from 2017 to 2018.

The rest of the interview can be viewed on Just the News - Not Noise. 



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