Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dr. Rachel Levine, Transgender Health Secretary Made Four-Star Admiral, Is ‘First Ever Female’ To Hold Title

By Andrew White

"Levine is also the organization’s first-ever female four-star admiral."

Dr. Rachel Levine, Transgender Health Secretary Made Four-Star Admiral, Is ‘First Ever Female’ To Hold Title

Dr. Rachel Levine, the US assistant secretary for health for the Biden administration, was sworn in as a four-star admiral for the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps today. The Washington Post claimed Levine is the organization’s “first-ever female” four-star admiral.

Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender US assistant secretary for health for the Biden administration, was officially sworn in as a four-star admiral for the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps today.

The Washington Post is claiming that Levine, who was born a man and believes he is a woman, will be the organization’s “first ever female” four-star admiral.

(READ MORE: ‘White Rage’ General Mark Milley And Transgender Health Secretary Rachel Levine Played Football Together In High School)

Rachel Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health, will be sworn in Tuesday as an admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, a 6,000-person force that responds to health crises on behalf of the federal government, including administering coronavirus vaccines and delivering care after hurricanes. Levine is also the organization’s first-ever female four-star admiral.

While many Americans may know of former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his nursing home scandal that resulted in the mass death of elderly people during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Levine was thrusted into the spotlight during his tenure as the Pennsylvania health secretary in mid-March of 2020 over a scandal that some have noted was worse than the situation in New York.

I am deeply honored & grateful to join the ranks of men & women across this great nation who have committed to defend the United States against small & large threats, known and unknown. I promise to uphold that trust to the fullest extent of my abilities.

— ADM Rachel Levine (@HHS_ASH) October 19, 2021

Last year, Levine had signed an order sending COVID positive individuals into nursing homes, a move that resulted in more than 12,000 senior deaths, accounting for more than half of the state’s senior death total at the time.

Furthermore, just days before the signing of the devastating order, Levine removed his 95-year-old mother out of a personal care home right after he was made aware that nearby residents had tested positive for coronavirus.

As was the case in New York with former Governor Cuomo, reports indicate that an official undercounting of nursing home deaths in Pennsylvania occurred while Levine was in charge.

Levine’s high school class now boasts at least two generals. Levine formerly played football with controversial white rage Gen. Mark Milley. This was before Levine was transgender, and was then known as Richard Levine.


Read more:
Biden Health Nominee Pressed on Support for Genital Surgery for Children

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