Showing posts with label Covid19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid19. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2023

WHO Urges Countries to Reveal Intelligence on COVID-19 Origins After FBI Director’s Statements

By Jack Phillips

March 5, 2023   Updated: March 5, 2023

Chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a meeting at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 24, 2021. (Laurent Gillieron/AFP via Getty Images)

In another narrative shift on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) asked governments with intelligence on the virus to come forward, after a growing number of U.S. officials signaled that it may have resulted from a Chinese lab leak.

“If any country has information about the origins of the pandemic, it’s essential for that information to be shared with WHO and the international scientific community,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on March 3.

The request came after FBI Director Christopher Wray told Fox News last week that the bureau has determined that the COVID-19 pandemic’s source was “most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” China. Wray’s assertion comes nearly three years after claims emerged that the virus emerged from the P4 Wuhan Institute of Virology, although such assertions were downplayed or even labeled as misinformation in early 2020 by so-called fact-checkers, social media platforms, and mainstream media outlets.

The very first COVID-19 infections were recorded in late 2019 in Wuhan. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have claimed that the virus was first transmitted at a wet market in the city, although a team of WHO investigators was blocked by the CCP from investigating the origins in 2021.

In his remarks last week, Tedros stressed that the WHO didn’t wish to blame any government or organization. Instead, the WHO is seeking to “advance our understanding of how this pandemic started so we can prevent, prepare for and respond to future epidemics and pandemics.”

“WHO continues to call for China to be transparent in sharing data and to conduct the necessary investigations and share the results,” said Tedros, who has drawn criticism for having ties with the CCP’s leadership. “Until then, all hypotheses on the origins of the virus remain on the table.”

Earlier on in the pandemic, the WHO came under criticism after Tedros and other officials praised the CCP for its “transparency” in dealing with COVID-19.

“What they are doing is a very, very strong measure and with full commitment,” Tedros said of the regime in early 2020, weeks after the virus emerged.

Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s COVID-19 technical lead, told reporters that the U.N. health organization has contacted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Geneva, Switzerland, for more information regarding the FBI director’s statement.

“It remains vital that that information is shared,” she said.

Wray’s Remarks

In late February and in his first remarks on the COVID-19 pandemic’s origins, Wray told Fox News that there’s an FBI team that focuses explicitly on biological threats that fall into the “wrong hands,” including a “hostile nation-state.”

Epoch Times Photo

This aerial view shows the P4 laboratory (L) on the campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, on May 13, 2020. (Hector RETAMAL /AFP via Getty Images)

“You’re talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab that killed millions of Americans,” Wray said of the virus, “and that’s precisely what that capability was designed for.”

Wray noted that the bureau’s investigation is still classified and that he can’t share many details. He also said the CCP hasn’t been cooperative with U.S. efforts.

“I will just make the observation that the Chinese government, it seems to me, has been doing its best to try to thwart and obfuscate the work here,” the FBI director said. “The work that our U.S. government and close foreign partners are doing. And that’s unfortunate for everybody.”

Wray’s concession last week marks the second time in recent days that a federal government agency has publicly backed the lab leak hypothesis. A Department of Energy report also backed the assessment that the virus may have emerged from the Wuhan lab.

Amid the reports, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said last week that President Joe Biden supports “a whole of government” attempt to find the origin of the virus.

“We’re just not there yet,” he told reporters. “If we have something that is ready to be briefed to the American people and the Congress, we will do that.”

At about the same time, Republicans and Democrats in the Capitol indicated that they are focusing on threats they believe the CCP poses to U.S. national security. They’ll hold a series of hearings in the coming days about the Chinese regime’s use of spy balloons, its stance toward the Russia–Ukraine conflict, its perceived belligerent behavior toward Taiwan, and the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Senate Seeks Covid Origins Information Declassification

Zach C. Cohen  Reporter

Emily Wilkins  Reporter

March 2, 2023, 7:32 AMUpdated: March 2, 2023, 11:35 PM

The Senate voted unanimously Wednesday night to require Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to declassify information on the origin of Covid-19.

The bill (S. 619), which was passed without objection or a roll-call vote, could put pressure on the Biden administration to voluntarily declassify.

The move comes after the Wall Street Journal reported that Haines’s office provided classified intelligence to the White House and key members of Congress showing the Energy Department had concluded Covid most likely came from a lab leak in China.

FBI Director Christopher Wray separately told Fox News this week that his agency had determined the pandemic “most likely” came from a “potential lab incident in Wuhan,” where a lab was conducting research on coronavirus in bats.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said he plans to call officials from the Energy Department before his Energy and Natural Resources Committee to testify publicly on the suspected origins of the virus, which killed over 1 million Americans.

“The American people have a right to understand exactly how it was spread,” Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.), the committee’s ranking Republican and a member of GOP conference leadership, tweeted Tuesday. “The Biden administration needs to come clean with what they know.“

Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) told reporters on Wednesday he would leave the declassification decisions to the administration, but said lawmakers need to be “asking the tough questions.”

“We believe in letting committees of jurisdiction guide the discussions ahead and working with the administration,” he said.

(Updates with Aguilar comments in the seventh paragraph.)

To contact the reporter on this story: Zach C. Cohen in Washington at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Katherine Rizzo at

GOP senators push bill requiring Biden declassify all US intelligence connected to Wuhan lab, COVID origins

Hawley, Braun's bill comes after Department of Energy report concluded COVID 'most likely' arose from lab leak

By Brianna Herlihy , Kelly Laco | Fox News

Published February 27, 2023 5:00pm EST


Bruce slams media's 'nefarious' narrative on COVID origins: 'A fake front'

"Outnumbered" panelists discuss the censorship and backlash Americans faced for asking questions about the origins of COVID.

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Sens. Josh Hawley and Mike Braun have reintroduced a bill that would require the Biden administration to declassify all intelligence related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and possible links to the origins of the COVID-19 virus, in light of the weekend report that the Department of Energy (DOE) that concluded the coronavirus pandemic likely stemmed from a lab leak.

A similar version of the senators’ bill, the "COVID-19 Origin Act of 2021," passed the Senate unanimously in May 2021.

"For nearly three years, anyone asking whether COVID-19 originated as a lab leak outbreak was silenced and branded as a conspiracy theorist," Hawley, R-Mo., told Fox News Digital. "Now these prudent skeptics stand vindicated. The Biden administration must immediately declassify all intelligence reports pertaining to the origins of COVID-19 coronavirus and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The American people deserve to know the truth."

The bill specifically requires declassification of information related to activities performed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology with or on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army, coronavirus research or other related activities performed at the Wuhan lab prior to the outbreak of COVID–19, and all information related to researchers at the Wuhan lab who fell ill in autumn 2019, including dates of illness, their role at the lab and other factors.

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo.

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. (Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images / File)


The bill requires the Director of National Intelligence's Office to produce a report on this declassified material, only making redactions to protect sources and methods – the intelligence community's most sensitive information.

"The Biden administration has called the lab leak theory a conspiracy theory from the beginning and has only started to publicly admit they were wrong as the evidence becomes overwhelming," Braun, R-Ind., added. "This bill passed the Senate unanimously in 2021, and since then, the Biden administration has continued to keep information about COVID’s origins secret. The American people deserve transparency, free from government censors or media spin. It’s time to declassify everything we know about COVID’s origins and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, now."

The Wall Street Journal first reported on Sunday that according to a classified intelligence report provided to the White House, the Energy Department has concluded that COVID-19 "most likely arose from a laboratory leak."

Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind.

Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind. (Ting Shen / Bloomberg via Getty Images / File)


People who read the classified report told the Journal that the DOE ranked its conclusion at "low confidence," while the FBI ranked its same conclusion in 2021 that the pandemic was the result of an accidental lab leak at "moderate confidence."

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Sunday that he couldn't "confirm or deny" the Wall Street Journal's reporting on the DOE's recent conclusion that the COVID-19 pandemic likely originated from an accidental lab leak in China, and he added that there is "no definitive answer."

Similar calls to declassify the DOE report have been made in the Republican-controlled House.

GOP Sens. Mike Braun and Josh Hawley have reintroduced a bill that would require the Biden administration to declassify all intelligence related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and possible links to the origins of COVID-19.

GOP Sens. Mike Braun and Josh Hawley have reintroduced a bill that would require the Biden administration to declassify all intelligence related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and possible links to the origins of COVID-19. (Feature China / Future Publishing via Getty Images)


Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, said Monday, "This administration must declassify all the relevant intelligence – protecting for sources and methods – surrounding the pandemic’s origins, and provide information as to who was advising the members of the intelligence community who have dismissed or downplayed the concept of a lab leak."

"We must also take concrete steps to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for their lack of transparency surrounding COVID-19," he said.

Brianna Herlihy is a politics writer for Fox News Digital.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

New York Times, MSNBC, CNN slammed for claiming COVID lab leak theory was ‘debunked’

February 28, 2023 

Lab worker in hazmat suit

Mainstream news outlets like the New York Times, CNN and MSNBC were criticized for failing to seriously cover the possibility that COVID originated in a Chinese lab in Wuhan.
AFP via Getty Images

New government intelligence that found that the coronavirus pandemic was most likely caused by an accidental laboratory leak ignited criticism of mainstream news outlets that insisted the theory was “debunked,” including the New York Times, CNN and MSNBC.

“How many employees of media corporations who repeatedly mocked the COVID ‘lab leak’ theory as a ‘debunked’ lie that only insane conspiracy theorists believe (because Fauci told them to say that) will apologize now that much of the USG (US government) believes this?” tweeted Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Greenwald took aim at the Times’ science and global health reporter, Apoorva Mandavilli, who in May 2021 tweeted: “Someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not yet here.”

The New York Times newspaper
The New York Times’ chief science and global health reporter once deemed it “racist” to consider the lab leak theory.
Getty Images

Greenwald tweeted that it was “astonishing” that Mandavilli “said it’s racist to consider the ‘lab leak’ theory.”

“It wasn’t just the NYT’s COVID reporter who said the ‘lab leak’ theory is racist,” Greenwald tweeted

“Much of the liberal-left said it, too. All that matters is the truth, but the far more racist theory was *theirs*: that COVID occurred due to primitive, unsanitary Chinese bat-eating wet markets.”

The Post has sought comment from the Times.

Critics also homed in on left-leaning cable news outlets CNN and MSNBC.

Tom Elliott, an independent journalist, posted a lengthy thread on his Twitter feed showing clips of MSNBC and CNN personalities dismissing the possibility of the lab leak as a “conspiracy theory.”

Commentators on CNN also falsely asserted that the lab leak theory was "debunked."
Commentators on CNN also falsely asserted that the lab leak theory was “debunked.”

Elliott directed his followers’ attention to a video showing Joy Reid saying that the lab leak theory was “debunked bunkum.” Another clip features “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough referring to the possibility of a lab leak as a “conspiracy theory.”

Two other clips show CNN’s Fareed Zakaria and Drew Griffin referring to the lab leak as either a “conspiracy theory” or “widely debunked.”

Greenwald accused Reid of “mindlessly repeat[ing] what the CIA and FBI tells us.”

“A huge number of NBC and CNN employees repeatedly said the ‘lab leak’ theory was ‘debunked,'” Greenwald tweeted.

“That was a total lie. It was never debunked.”

Greenwald continued: “That lie was concocted by [infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony] Fauci and Peter Daszak, who had major, undisclosed personal conflicts in protecting the Wuhan Lab.”

Joy Reid of MSNBC also dismissed the possibility that COVID originated in a lab.
Joy Reid of MSNBC also dismissed the possibility that COVID originated in a lab.

Daszak is the controversial New York City-based virologist who conducted research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and whose nonprofit, EcoHealth Alliance, received grants from Fauci’s National Institutes of Health to conduct research into coronaviruses in bats

Chinese scientists at the Wuhan lab have been accused of carrying out “gain-of-function” research, in which such viruses are manipulated to make them more transmissible, more lethal and more dangerous.

The Post has sought comment from CNN and MSNBC.